Gasconade County, Missouri

This County is part of
The MOGenWeb Project And The USGenWeb® Project

My name is Martha, I am the new Gasconade County, Missouri County Coordinator.

I do not live in Missouri, but have roots deep in her soil.
I will do my very best to find & format resources for visiting Genealogists & Historians.
I am happy to try and answer questions:

   Table of Contents:
History ~ Maps ~ Biographies and Pioneers ~  Lookups and Queries ~ What's New
Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ Family Search: Catalog and Historical Images ~ Obituaries
Military ~ Crime and Punishment ~ Odds and Ends  
 "Missouri Meanderings" ~ Eclectic Missouri resources to enhance your GenWeb Experience [Off Site]

Gasconade County Neighbors
Montgomery ~ Warren ~ Franklin ~ Crawford
Phelps ~ Maries ~ Osage ~ Callaway

Military ~ Crime and Punishment ~ Odds and Ends

Military Resources: FS Catalog & Historical Images

Register of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of Missouri
Volumes: 1901- 1903, 1904-1906, 1907-1909, 1910-1912
Some of the Registers list the Genealogical Lineage of the Members


Military Burials during War time are difficult to track.
I have discovered a booklet and a film that details the process of moving Burials from various locations
to National Cemeteries.

"Statement of the disposition of some of the bodies of deceased Union soldiers and prisoners of war whose remains have been removed to national cemeteries in the southern and western states"; v. 01-04 [Missouri = Pages 25-26]
United States. Army. Quartermaster General's Office
Please Use This Link for the Booklet [FS Books]

Here are the Missouri pages for Film #1688410, Vol 2 - Pages 46 - 47 ~ Pages 48 - 49
[Note, the Film has the same Title as above]
Here is the link for the Film

Union Soldiers Buried at Andersonville, 1866
The Book is arranged alphabetically by State and is fully searchable.
There are also Army & Navy Burial Lists at the end of the State Lists.


Military: Enlisment Records [Hermann]
Film # 101272063, 101355184, 101427186
Dates: 1900 - 1941

Militia, Infantry and Cavalry Records

Military records, 1861-1866
Missouri. Adjutant General's Office
DeKalb, Gasconade, Harrison, Boone, Iron, Mississippi, Madison, Wayne, Cole, Miller, Camden, Maries, Jackson, Cass Counties
Film #1021098

MISSOURI 1st Cavalry 1st Battalion, State Militia, Cavalry 1st Battalion, U.S. Reserve Corps, Cavalry 1st State Militia, Cavalry 2nd Cavalry [Merrill's Horse] 2nd Battalion, State Militia, Cavalry 2nd State Militia, Cavalry 3rd Cavalry
(NARA Series M594, Roll 92) Film #1488544

3rd State Militia, Cavalry [1st Organization] 3rd State Militia, Cavalry [2nd Organization] 4th Cavalry 4th State Militia, Cavalry 5th Cavalry 5th State Militia, Cavalry [1st Organization] 5th State Militia, Cavalry [2nd Organization] 6th Cavalry 6th State Militia, Cavalry
(NARA Series M594, Roll 93) Film #1488545

7th Cavalry 7th State Militia, Cavalry 8th Cavalry 8th State Militia, Cavalry 9th Cavalry 9th State Militia,
Cavalry (NARA Series M594, Roll 94) Film #1488546

10th Cavalry 11th Cavalry 11th State Militia, Cavalry 12th Cavalry 12th State Militia, Cavalry 13th Cavalry 14th Cavalry 14th State Militia 15th Cavalry 16th Cavalry Berry's Battalion, Cavalry Cass County Home Guards, Cavalry
(NARA Series M594, Roll 95) Film #1488547
Gen. Fremont's Body Guard, Volunteers, Cavalry Capt. Smallwood's Guides and Scouts, Cavalry Capt. Sobolaski's Lancers, Cavalry Stewart's Battalion, Cavalry 1st Light Artillery
(NARA Series M594, Roll 95) Film #1488547

2nd Light Artillery Backof's Battalion, Light Artillery, 3 months, 1861 Lt. Bulliss' Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Kowald's Battery, Light Artillery Landgraeber's Battery, Light Artillery [1st Flying Battery] Capt. Mann's Battery, Light Artillery Sheldon's Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Wachman's Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Welfly's Battery, Light Artillery 1st Engineers
(NARA Series M594, Roll 96) Film #1488548

Engineer Regiment of the West 1st U.S. Reserve Corps, Infantry 1st U.S. Reserve Corps. Infantry, 3 months, 1861 1st Infantry 1st State Militia, Infantry 2nd Infantry 2nd Infantry, 3 months, 1861
(NARA Series M594, Roll 96) Film #1488548

2nd U.S. Reserve Corps, Infantry 2nd U.S. Reserve Corps, Infantry, 3 months, 1861 3rd Infantry 3rd Infantry, 3 months, 1861 3rd U.S. Reserve Corps, Infantry 3rd U.S. Reserve Corps, Infantry, 3 months, 1861 4th Infantry 4th U.S. Reserve Corps, Infantry 4th U.S. Reserve Corps, Infantry, 3 months, 1861 (NARA Series M594, Roll 97) Film #1488549

5th Infantry 5th Infantry, 3 months, 1861 5th U.S. Reserve Corps, 3 months, 1861 6th Infantry 7th Infantry
(NARA Series M594, Roll 97) Film #1488549
8th Infantry 10th-13th Infantry 15th-17th Infantry
(NARA Series M594, Roll 98) Film #1488550

18th Infantry 19th Infantry 21st-27th Infantry 27th Mounted Infantry 29th Infantry
(NARA Series M594, Roll 99) Film #1488551

30th-33rd Infantry 35th Infantry 39th-51st Infantry Benton Cadets, Infantry Gasconade County Battalion, U.S. Reserve Corps Krekel's Battalion, U.S. Reserve Corps Phelps' Regiment, Infantry, 6 months, 1861 Sappers and Miners, Volunteers, 3 months, 1861 Van Horn's Battalion, U.S. Reserve Corps, Infantry Balz's Co., Sappers and Miners Capt. King's Co., Railroad Patrol Guard, USRC
(NARA Series M594, Roll 100) Film #1488552

The 'Works of Sherman Lee Pompey"
During the 1960's and 1970's, a Gentleman named Sherman Lee Pompey did a lot of Military Research:
Quite a few of his works can be found in the FS Catalog: The focus of his research seems to surround the Civil War
along with the Cavalry and Infantry Troops who were involved.
There are a lot of Burial Records for those who fought and lost their lives from one cause or another.
Here are three pages of Books that contain Military Information: The file is a searchable & linked pdf.
Use the Above Link to locate and download items of interest.
Log into your FS Account for access.

Here are some more Books and Films:

MO, CW Burials, Pompey, Sherman Lee
Civil War Veteran Burial Listings: Vol VII
Covering the Men In The MO Cavalry [Confederate and Union] and MO State Militia Cavalry

Civil War Veteran Burial Listings: Vol VIII
Covering Men in MO Regiments: Inc Body Guards, Atrillery, Cadets, Hussars, State & Home Guards, Enrolled & Provisional Enrolled Militai, Miners & Sappers, MS Marine Brigade, Etc.

Civil War Veteran Burial Listings: Vol IX
Covering Men in the MO Infantry [Union & confederate, State Militia Infantry and Colored Infantry

Muster lists of the Missouri Confederates
There are 9 parts to this Resource

There are a couple of films that may be of interest.
"Master list of Missouri Civil War Veteran Burials"
There are no Indexes: But, the format Mr Pompey used is consistent in that he lists the Names from the 'Top Down'
In other words, Officers [Rank] to Non-Comissioned & Enlisted Men last.

Film 483686: Vol 1: Cavalry, Artillery
Images 1 - 432: Regiment 'Resume' Imgs 428-432

Film 486386: Vol 2: Artillery, Engineers, Etc
Images 436-559 ~ Miscellaneous Units: 560-561

Film 483687: Vol 3: MO Infantry 1 - 25, Others
Resume of Burials: Images 7 - 9
Burial Lists: Images 10 - 402

Film 486687: Vol 4,: MO Infantry 26 - 51 & Others
Images 407 - 658

Soldier's Records: War of 1812
Search the National Archives ~ War Records:
Civil War: Battles in Missouri
DAR Lineage Book: Charter Members [FS Books]

Miscellaneous Military Records from Family Search

Pre-WWII Adjutant General Enlistment Contracts, 1900-1941.
Plese use this List to locate persons of interest.
And then this Link for the actual Records
Here is the FS Wiki which explains the records and their contents

Reports of Civil War [Union Army] Generals
Union Soldiers: 1861-1865 [FS Catalog]
Confederate Records 1861-1865 ~ Confederate Pension Applications [FS Catalog]

Family Search has a large collection of Civil War Records for Missouri
Please use this link

Disabled Volunteer Soldiers: FS Catalog, Many Records
US Army Cemeteries [Missouri]
Iowa Armed Forces Grave Registrations - POB Gasconade County
Missouri Confederate Records
U.S., Civil War Prisoner of War Records, FS Catalog, Many Resources
U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications: FS Catalog
Returns from U.S. Military Posts, 1800-1916 [FS]
The above set of files is very interesting. There are thousands of records.
US Military Hospitals: FS Catalog, Nice Collection of Data
"Soldiers of the Great War" ~ MO  [Nice pictures]
Military Databases: Family Search [Database Chart]

and... Military "Odds"

War Casualties: LDS Film 4218687 [Missouri]
US Navy, Coast Guard and Marines
Published in 1946
The infomation:
Name, Rank, Street Address and Parents
Access: FS Catalog

Crime and Punishment: Prison Records
Pennsylvania Prison Records

Missouri State Penitentiary: 1836 - 1931 [Search]
Online Explanation of the Prison and Records

Court Martial's ~ Confederate Prisoners ~  Union Soldier Executions [FS Catalog]
Film 2406002 - Court-martial papers, Record Group no. 133, Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City, 1862-1877
FS: Documents and Records - Explanation and Image Charts
Explanation: How to Access
LDS Films: 2407222 ~ 2406002 ~ 2405919 ~ 2405920: Index

United States Records of Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865
Proceedings of U.S. Army courts-martial and military commissions of Union soldiers executed by U.S. military authorities, 1861-1866

Prison Record Databases [FS Chart]
San Quentin ~  Folsom Prison ~  Mc Neil Island ~ Yuma Territorial Prison

"Professional Criminals of America"
Thomas Byrnes
Inspector of Police and Chief of Detectives: New York City
Cassell & Company, Limited
739 & 741 Broadway, New York
Copyright, 1886 By Thomas Brynes
The Addenda and Index begin on Page 412
Read Online or Download [FS]

Odds and Ends

>>>What's New<<<
March 2025
Gasconade County, Missouri
[Circuit[ Court records, 1821-1928
Missouri. Circuit Court (Gasconade County) (Corporate)
These are really interesting records, everything from Delinquent Tax Records to Adoptions and Murder Trials!
There are alpha indexes at the beginning of each Film
There are 6 Films

Book Assortment: Crime, Biography, Medical
There are  download links for,  Google E Book Items & Google Drive

"Missouri State Medical Directory"
Containing a Carefully Prepared List of Physicians,
Dentists and Druggists, Together with Colleges
Hospitals, Medical Associations and
Societies throughout the State
The Medical Fortnichtly Press,
St Louis - Chicago

Table of Contents ~  All Counties List ~ Appendix
Read Online or Download :
FS Catalog / Books

"The Physicians and Surgeons of the United States"
Edited By:
William B Atkinson, M D: Author of "Hints in the Obstertic Procedure," etc...
Philadelphia: Charles Robson, 1878
There are three Indexes, "Alpha", "Local" & "Analytical" The two most useful are Alpha and Local

The Indexes are Here

The Book can be read online or downloaded.

The American Bar"
The Professional Directoy of
Lawyers of the World
Sarah Livermore: Editor
Sixty-Second Annual Edition: 1980
Published by:
Reginald Bishop Forster & Associates, Inc
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Please use this link for Index and Split Sections

"Who's What and Why in Missouri: 1959"
Published by
Historical Record Association
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
There is no TOC or Index
The Biographies are listed Alphabetically in the Book
They are split out thus:
A > C ~ D > G ~ H > J ~ L > M ~ N > R ~ S > Z
Please use this link for the Files

Original Land Patents: 1820>1832
Missouri Land Records [FS] ~ Missouri Digital Heritage
MO Digital Records: Land Grants, etc
Ghost towns of Missouri

Did any of your Family go to Colorado?
Here is info on Colorado Divorces: State Wide Films & 'Collection'
1900 > 1939 and 1975 > 1992 [Catalog]
Information Entered:
CO County of Divorce ~ Date and Place of Marriage
Number and Names of Minor Children, if any
Maiden Name Restored ~ Date of Decree
"Collection" Search and Records

Missouri "Only" Databases: " FS Collections"
For this List, I have only included the following Resources
Birth ~ Marriage ~ Death
Migration ~ Naturalization ~ Military ~ Miscellaneous
Newspapers ~ Probate & Court

 "The Fine Print"
Gasconade County Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham
The MOGenWeb State Coordinator is: Mel Owings
Asst. State Coordinator (ASC):Martha A C Graham

Information contained on all of the pages within the Gasconade County portion of the MOGenWeb may be used for personal genealogical and historical purposes.
Please be considerate of copyright information and give credit where credit is due:
Any and all donated data will remain with the County in the event of the resignation of the County Coordinator.
If any person who donates material in
the future and wishes to have it returned to them, it will be accomplished upon request.
MOGenWeb ~ USGenWeb ~ USGenWeb Archives
Site Updated: 4 March 2025
Online Continuously since 1997