Gasconade County, Missouri

This County is part of
The MOGenWeb Project And The USGenWeb® Project

My name is Martha, I am the Gasconade County, Missouri County Coordinator.

I do not live in Missouri, but have roots deep in her soil.
I will do my very best to find & format resources for visiting Genealogists & Historians.
I am happy to try and answer questions:

   Table of Contents:
History ~ Maps ~ Biographies and Pioneers ~ Lookups and Queries ~ What's New
Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ Family Search: Catalog and Historical Images ~ Obituaries
Military ~ Crime and Punishment ~ Odds and Ends  
 "Missouri Meanderings" ~ Eclectic Missouri resources to enhance your GenWeb Experience [Off Site]

Gasconade County Neighbors
Montgomery ~ Warren ~ Franklin ~ Crawford
Phelps ~ Maries ~ Osage ~ Callaway

Family Search Vitals and Other Resources

Reclaim the Records has uploaded new Birth Records for Missouri:
 Missouri Birth Index, 1920(ish)-2015
"They tried to charge us $1.5 million for a public records request.
Then they decided to ignore the state
Sunshine Law altogether."

The links to the collections should work, but if they do not,
please sign in to search and view.

Missouri Births and Christenings, 1827-1935 ~ Missouri Marriages, 1750-1920
Missouri Deaths and Burials, 1867-1976 ~ Missouri Deaths, 1883-1930
Mortality Schedule: 1860
Naturalization and Court Records: 1802 > 1969

The next Section is for both County and Missouri Neighbors
The records are mostly for Marriages & Deaths ~ But there are some Church Records
The Resources are Filmed Records found in the FS Catalog
Access is free, if you do not have an account, go here to create one

There is a huge section of Marriage Records for Gasconade County
Dates: 1800-1991 ~ Please use this Link

Film #008133869: Gasconade County
Historical Image Section
Baptism Records: 1870–1950 ~ Marriage Records: 1894–1993
Communion Records: 1895–1993 ~ Confirmation Certificates: 1896–1993 ~ Religious Records: 1870–1896
Death Certificates: 1894–1993
Creator: Catholic Church. Assumption (New Haven, Missouri)

Hermann, Gasconade, MO
Deaths, Film #008515128
1690-1974, Baptism, Marriage & Death Records

Callaway County
1 Film, Vital Records, 1820-1871
Film # 007729355

Crawford County: Marriages
There are a lot of filmed Marriage Records for Crawford County
Please use this link:
Deaths, Cemeteries & Obituaries:
Please use this link

 Franklin, Missouri
Marriage Record: 1853–1993 ~ Death Certificates: 1885–1993
Catholic Church. Immaculate Conception (Union, Missouri)
Catholic Church. St. Paul (Berger, Missouri)
Image Group Number: 008133869 (Item 12 of 13)
Other Franklin County Resources

Maries County
Marriage Licenses & Records
There are 4 films: 007513948, 007211713, 007211714, 007578670
Dates: 1881-1962

Montgomery County:
Marriages: 3 Films, 007514147, 007514145, 007514146
Dates: 1865 - 1922
Deaths & Cemetery Records: 3 Films, 007514147, 007672724, 008197677
Dates: 1834 - 1972

Osage County
Marriage & Church Records: Dates 1837-1967
Burial Records: 1837-1967 [Westphalia] Film # 11389782

Phelps County
Marriage Applications, Records
There are a lot of films:
Funeral Home Records & Obituaries

Warren County
Marriages, Other Vitals, Cemetery Records Many Films:
Please use this link:

Family Search has Marriage Records and other Vitals for Neighboring States
Arkansas ~ Illinois ~ Iowa ~ Kansas [Scroll, after Arkansas] ~ Kentucky ~ Nebraska ~ Oklahoma ~ Tennessee
The above links are for the "Collections"

Missouri Death Records
Death Certificates: 1910 - 1971 Online [Missouri Digital Heritage]
Missouri Mortality Schedules: 1850 ~ 1860
Missouri Digital Heritage: Genealogical Collections [Contains Vitals]

Remember: Vital Records can be found in Newspapers
This is the link for the Missouri Digital Newspaper Project

Free Digital Newspapers:
Chronicling America ~ Google Archives ~ California Digital Newspapers [There are Articles for MO]
Three new Sites: History Hub ~ Century Past ~ Boston Public Library

"Missouri Only" - Vital Record Databases, Family Search
Miscellaneous Vital Record Databases: FS - Chart

The Cemeteries of Gasconade County
Find ~ A Grave: Cemetery Listing ~ Link to WebSite
People Legacy ~ American Cemeteries ~ Billion Graves [FS Wiki]
USGenWeb Archives: Gasconade County [Cemeteries]
Missouri Gravestones

Family Search: Books, Catalog and Historical Images
The multitude of Filmed Resources found in both the Catalog and the Historical Images sections can be overwhelming.
In order to assist and aquaint you with these wonderful records, I have gleaned an assortment of items that may be of interest. Additionally, the 'Book Section' has some interesting titles.

Included in this initial batch of Records will be:
Church Records ~ Court Records ~ Deeds and Probate Records ~ Naturalization Records

Church Records
Church Record, 1844-1975
Author: St. Paul United Church of Christ (Hermann, Missouri)
Church Records, 1870-1875, 1892-1993
Author: Catholic Church. Assumption (New Haven, Missouri)
Church Records, 1870-1879
Author: Canaan Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Canaan, Missouri)

Court, Deeds and Probate Records
The Court Record Films are very poor quality. [1821-1928]
Deed Records, 1821-1926; index to deeds, 1821-1888
Probate Records, 1825-1918
There are two more sets of Deeds Here: 1865-1866 & 1865-1868

Naturalization Records, 1894-1904
Court, Naturalization, Migration Records
Film #007943910 & 007857674
Dates: 1807 - 1953

And one oddity:
Miscellaneous land papers 1800's Gasconade River Island survey Mississippi River lock & dam land acquisition
Miscellaneous field notes 1800's
Film # 984918

Books: Family Histories
"Known Descendants of Daniel Crider, Senior"
Pioneer Settler of Gasconade County, Missouri
3rd Edition, 1988 ~ The Book is 92 mb

The Alexander Sheldon Vaughan family, 1817 to 1983
Statement of Responsibility:
compiled by D.R. Taylor
Taylor, D. R. (Dayton Reed), 1919- (Main Author)
The Book is 50 mb, I have extracted the TOC

Wilhelm Sickendieck [and] Anna Elise Charlotte Barlmeier
The Book is 8.5 mb, Please Use This Link for Download

Heritage Hub [Includes NewsBank and Missouri Newspapers
I was able to find Obituaries for Gasconade County on Heritage Hub
They are mostly from the St Louis Post Dispatch
1912 - 2023 - Please use this Link for the Index

September 2024
Note: I will not be creating any more Obit Indexes: I have had no queries for them for a couple of years.
But, that said, I will still do lookups on Heritage Hub Contact: Martha

Note: There is a new resource in the Heritage Hub Collection:
"Missouri funeral home notices and obituaries (MO) 1999-Current"

Note: HeritageHub is available from Local Public Libraries.
Access with your Library Card

Other Sources:
Missouri Obituaries: 1968 [Book: FS Catalog, Bearce, Mrs M, compiler]

In the FS Catalog: 2 sets of Obit Collections

"Tidbits from the Big Piney Examiner of Sublette Co., WY"
1912 > 2006 - Some Years Missing
Compiler: Anna Lee Woffinden
The Book may be downloaded here [FS Catalog]
There are indexes at the back of each Booklet
The Booklets are full of Obituaries, Death and Funeral Notices
Accidents, and the odd news article about local Pioneers


"Pahrump, Nevada Genealogical Society Obits 1970 2009: Published: 2010"
Digital copies of obituaries for people with some connection to Pahrump, Nevada.
Individuals may have lived and or died in many different states."
Please use this link for all of the publications [FS Catalog]
There are indexes and each book is searchable or available to download.

 "The Fine Print"
Gasconade County Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham
The MOGenWeb State Coordinator is: Mel Owings
Asst. State Coordinator (ASC):Martha A C Graham

Information contained on all of the pages within the Gasconade County portion of the MOGenWeb may be used for personal genealogical and historical purposes.
Please be considerate of copyright information and give credit where credit is due:
Any and all donated data will remain with the County in the event of the resignation of the County Coordinator.
If any person who donates material in
the future and wishes to have it returned to them, it will be accomplished upon request.
MOGenWeb ~ USGenWeb ~ USGenWeb Archives
Site Updated: 4 March 2025
Online Continuously since 1997